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Writer's pictureTimothy Astin

Sunday 5th January: Epiphany Sunday

Its Epiphany Sunday tomorrow which we mark by holding our Epiphany Carol Service at the main 10 am service. With its particular focus on the wise men visiting Jesus and presenting their gifts, this completes the Christmas Season.

Revd Sharon has Russian relatives in her family by marriage and reminded me this week that the eastern Orthodox Christmas Day is on Tuesday 7th January, so you could seek out an Orthodox church in London and follow Christmas all over again! But more likely you are ready to fall back into the regular pattern of life and our church life also returns to its normal patterns, starting with the monthly parish lunch tomorrow.

With every blessing,


Services for 5th January: Epiphany Sunday
  • 8am: Holy Communion

  • 10am: The Epiphany Carol Service

    • Our family service at the start of the month

  • 1pm: Parish Lunch for January

Services & Events for Next Week
  • Wednesday 8th January at 10am: Mid-week Communion Service with our Mothers Union Branch, coffee served afterwards

  • Sunday 5th January

    • 8am: Holy Communion

    • 10am: Parish Communion Service : Jesus is Baptised

      • With our Church Explorers

Memorial Service for Barbara W: Monday 6th January

This takes place at Randalls Park Crematorium at 10.15am

Service of Compline: Thursday 9th January at 8pm

Our monthly short reflective service.

Church Explorers (Junior Church) Takes Place this Month on 12th and 26th January

We meet in the Meeting Room before the 10 o’clock service and come into church for a blessing at the distribution of Communion.

COGS Family Pantomime 'Snow White' - Friday 24th 7.30pm and Saturday 25th January 2pm and 7pm

Tickets are on sale from today via 01737 362610 or or

Adults £15 - Child (under 15) £7.50 – Family (2+2) £40

Joint Service with Kingswood Parish: 26th January 3pm at The Wisdom of God Church, Lower Kingswood

This service takes place at the end of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Refreshments will be served after the service.

This is an opportunity for our churches to get to know each other a little better in advance of discussions later in the year about creating a joint Benefice for our two parishes.


Don't forget to check the Church Calendar for all our upcoming events!

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