The Church of
The Good Shepherd
The Heart of Tadworth's Community
Safeguarding Policy​
Version: January 2024
The Church of the Good Shepherd aims to be a Safe Church. Our Parish Safeguarding Officers are Richard Shipman and Richard Gollop.
We are committed to promoting and supporting safe environments which:
For children and young people
Are youth-friendly and child-friendly and nurture their positive development.
Enable children and young people to be active contributors to the church community.
Protect children and young people from actual or potential harm.
For adults who may be vulnerable
Ensure that all people feel welcomed, respected and safe from abuse.
Encourage adults who may be vulnerable to lead as independent a life as possible, to choose how to lead their life, and to be active contributors to the church community.
Protect adults who may be vulnerable from actual or potential harm.
For those suffering domestic abuse
Recognise equality amongst people and within relationships.
Refuse to condone any form of abuse.
Protect those vulnerable to domestic abuse from actual or potential harm.
Enable and encourage concerns to be raised and appropriate action taken.
A Christian approach to safeguarding children, vulnerable adults and those in abusive relationships therefore asks both individuals and communities to create a safe environment for them, to act promptly on any complaints made, to care for those who have been abused in the past, and to minister appropriately to those who have abused. As part of this, we at The Church of the Good Shepherd have adopted the proposals contained within the book - 'A Safe Church'.
This book may be viewed here also there is a copy at the back of church.
The following contacts are also available in The Southwark Diocese:
Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, Kate Singleton | Email | Landline 0207 939 9423 | Mobile 07982 279 713 (for urgent matters out of hours).
Assistant Diocesan Safeguarding Advisers:
You can also get help with safeguarding issues from the following external organisations:
NSPCC Child Protection Helpline: 0808 800 5000 (lines free and open 24 hours). Phone if you are worried about a child.
Child-line: 0800 1111 (lines free and open 24 hours). Phone if you are a child or young person and are worried about anything.
National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 200 0247 (lines free and open 24 hours). Phone if you are experiencing domestic abuse.
Samaritans Helpline: 116 123 (open 24 hours). Phone if you feel you are struggling to cope and need someone to talk to.
Action on Elder Abuse Helpline: 0808 808 8141 ( free phone Monday to Friday 9- 5pm).