The Church of
The Good Shepherd
The Heart of Tadworth's Community
The Organ
Our wonderful organ has recently been refurbished and enlarged. The work was completed in March 2022. Below you can see pictures of the refurbished organ, read its history and find details of the refurbishment.

Organ History
The organ is believed to have been installed as a second-hand instrument by Abbott & Smith of Leeds for the Church’s consecration in 1912. J W Walker & Sons. maintained the instrument throughout the 1930’s until the late 1970’s. They added a Fifteenth to the Swell in 1967.
In 1981 Peter Wells was employed to modernise and enlarge the organ, converting the pneumatic action to electric, providing a new detached console positioned in the former Lady Chapel, and undertaking some tonal improvements.
In the early 1990’s some problems relating to the soundboard sliders occurred and F H Browne & Sons of Canterbury were employed to rectify the situation. In 1994 a 4ft Flute was added by Browne’s. They have maintained the organ ever since.
Restoration & Rebuilding
After many years of continuous use problems were beginning to appear. An Organ Appeal was started 2015 to refurbish the organ. However, after receiving considerable support from the congregation, members of the public and some Trust Funds we were able to undertake a full rebuild and enlargement of the organ. In 2020 Mander Organ Builders (formerly F H Browne) were contracted to rebuild and enlarge the instrument.
The rebuilding work has embraced the following:
Moving the instrument forward by 600mm into the chancel.
The Great Mixture II replaced by a new Mixture III
Two new Great mutations stops.
Installation of a 16ft reed rank on a new unit chest A
The Swell Trumpet revoiced back to a Horn and extended down to a Contra Fagotto 16ft by re-voicing the bottom octave of the old Swell Contra Oboe on unit chest B.
The Swell Oboe mounted back on it’s original position on the soundboard.
Other improvements:
Console totally refurbished
New Great direct pallet electric action soundboard with Schwimmer Valve
Swell soundboard converted to direct pallet electric action
New solid state switching system
New adjustable Tremulant
Installing a Stevenson Swell motor
New floor level casing.
The rebuild of the organ was completed in 2023. Simon Johnson (Westminster Cathedral) gave the inaugural recital. You can read about the enlarged specification here.