Weddings can be made memorable by the unexpected and quirky things that happen. Today’s wedding will be remembered for the late arrival of the bride’s bouquet! It is lovely to hear afterwards that people found it a moving service with that depth of meaning which comes from God and gives that special quality to a church wedding. We continue to pray God’s blessing for David and Caroline married today, and for Nicky and Lauren married last Saturday.
I’ve just come from eating a burger towards the end of the CoGS Olympics. And apparently I have the pleasure to come of looking at pictures of my wife Moira taking part in some of the games. The occasional very brief rain shower merely made the event, inside and outside the hall, feel thoroughly British. I thank our Social Committee and ‘extras’ who worked so hard to put this event on for us.
Tomorrow the baptism of Albert takes place within our Family Service and will bring an extra dimension to our regular monthly service.
With every blessing,
Services for 7th July: 6th Sunday after Trinity
8am: Holy Communion
10am: Family Service with Baptism - Heeding Prophets and Being a Prophet
With the Junior Choir
We welcome children of all ages to our Family services
We welcome Albert to his Baptism at this service
1pm: Parish Lunch for July
Services & Events for Next Week
Wednesday 10th July at 10am: Mid-week Service
10am: Mid-week Service with coffee and a chat afterwards
11:30am: Funeral Service for William
Sunday 14th July
8am: Holy Communion
10am: Parish Communion - John the Baptist is Killed
Church Explorers gather in the meeting room before the service
Service for Compline 8pm Thursday 11th July
Following the positive experience of the service of Compline at the end of the Lent course, and with peoples’ encouragement, we hold the first of a monthly service of Compline in church on Thursday 11th July at 8 pm.
If you have been to Compline you will know it can provide a haven of peace and time for reflection with God. If you haven’t experienced Compline before, do come along and try this service which is a reflective, spiritual way to end the day.
Mothers' Union Event: "Summer of Hope" Thursday 18th July 2:30pm
This event will include a Raffle, Bring & Buy stall and a delicious Strawberry Tea. 2:30pm, in the Meeting Room. Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy fellowship whilst fundraising to support women and girls in Africa, lifting them out of poverty and on to a better life. For more information please contact Margaret Fitch here.
Gatton Community Theatre Presents: Setareh - A Journey to Remember
Written and directed by Libby Egwuba, this is an open air promenade performance in Gatton Park (Rocky Lane RH2 0TW).
Eight performances on 11th-14th and 18th-21st July at 7.30 pm. Tickets are available form
Setareh is a Persian name meaning ‘star’ and the production will draw you in to the journey to find God made known.
Meet your Local Councillors Saturday 20th July from 10am - Tadworth Church Hall
We are pleased to host another opportunity to come and meet our local councillors alongside our regular Saturday café which moves into the church hall for the day.
Calling all 12-16 year olds!
In support of our "Children and Youth" working group, we would like to invite local 12-16 year olds to a casual meeting (with pizza) to share their views about what an ideal youth group could look like for them. Please speak to Lizzie, Emma, Laura, Lis or Nicky if you, or someone you know would like to get involved. (Or reply to me and I will put you in touch with them – Tim)
For our Prayers
We continue to give thanks for the lives of Ken Creffield, Michael Rogerson and Will Pepper and ask that the funeral service in church on Wednesday will be a blessing to all the Pepper family and their friends.
Please pray for our Church Council who meet on Tuesday and help to guide the life of our church.
Don't forget to check the Church Calendar for all our upcoming events!