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Sunday 6th October: Harvest Festival

Writer's picture: Timothy AstinTimothy Astin

Updated: Oct 12, 2024

At the successful MacMillan Coffee morning today – thank you Margaret Fitch and everyone who helped to put this on – I was told that St Peter’ Church Walton has lost its heating because their gas boiler has failed. I pray that they are successful in getting it repaired. Fortunately our gas boiler was changed a few years ago, and the flood waters in our cellar from the recent heavy thunderstorms haven’t drowned the church boiler, so I can still say “a warm welcome” to our Harvest Festival Service tomorrow. We look forward to you presenting your gifts at the altar table within the service. I know our Church Explorers have been busy making preparations and am looking forward to seeing what they have done.

May we be blessed in our celebration,


Services for 6th October: Harvest Festival
  • 8am: Holy Communion

  • 10am: Harvest Festival Service and Parade - Jesus' Blessing

    • We welcome the Scouts and Guides groups to parade at this service

    • With Junior Choir

    • We welcome children of all ages to our Family services

Services & Events for Next Week
  • Wednesday 9th October at 10am: Mid-week Communion Service with coffee served afterwards

  • Sunday 13th October

    • 8am: Holy Communion

    • 10am: Parish Communion Service - The Paradox of Wealth

      • Church Explorers gather in the meeting room before the service

Choral Evensong Sunday 13th October 6:30pm

You are warmly invited to our next Choral Evensong. Music: Preces & Responses - Peter Nardone; Evening canticles in B flat - Charles Stanford; Anthem: Greater love - John Ireland.

Wine will be served after the service.

Service of Compline 8 pm Thursday 10th October

Our monthly service of Compline will be this Thursday (10th October) at 8 pm. This is a reflective, spiritual way to end the day.

Cabaret: Saturday 12th October 7 - 11pm

Join us in Tadworth Church Hall for an evening of mouth watering food, mind-blowing magic and marvellous musical performances.

There will be a licensed bar, a Raffle, Auctions and a Disco/Dancing. Tickets are £40 (inclusive of a two course meal). Tickets are available from

Any profits will go to the Hall refurbishment fund. Please book in good time so that the catering can be organised well.

Baby Loss Awareness Week 9th - 15th October

Our church is partnering with Jodie Picknett to host a Sands Ribbon Display on the church hedge during this week ( We will also take part in The Wave of Light: Tuesday 15th October at 7 pm when candles will be lit in the churchyard.

These actions are to raise awareness of baby loss and for people who have experienced pregnancy or baby loss to remember their babies.

A successful MacMillan Coffee Morning

Lots of people came to the coffee morning, and over £600 so far has been raised for the MacMillan Cancer Support charity.

Discipleship and Ministry

Would you like to improve your skills and knowledge in an aspect of Christian discipleship, or of everyday ministry? Southwark Diocese offer many different courses and workshops. These are listed in the Discipleship and Ministry magazine which you can find on the table at the back of church.

Report of the open PCC Meeting on Sunday 22nd September

The Venerable Moira Astin, Archdeacon of Reigate addressed the PCC about the forthcoming ministerial vacancy in Kingswood Parish. She outlined a proposal for a new Benefice comprising the Parish of Tadworth and the Parish of Kingswood. Each parish would retain its own PCC and finances. There would be a single Incumbent Minister (Priest) living in Tadworth parish with an additional ministerial post most likely a House-for-duty priest living in Kingswood parish. This potential reorganisation will be discussed at our next PCC meeting.

For our Prayers

We continue to pray for Mike Foster as he moves to a care home, and for Esme Illman now moved to Dorking Community Hospital. We pray for Tom and for others known to us who find it difficult to leave home.

We give thanks for the lives of Kirsten Thomsett and Alan Davis.


Don't forget to check the Church Calendar for all our upcoming events!


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