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Writer's pictureTimothy Astin

Sunday 3rd November: All Saints’ Sunday and 4th Sunday before Advent

As a child my mother used to tell me that things, good or bad, happen in threes. No doubt her mother taught it to her as a small child also. If a couple of bad things happened she would say, ‘I’ll go and smash a (glass) milk bottle outside’ as the third thing though I never saw her actually do it! Only last week we could announce the good news of a grant from Surrey County Council for stage lights for the church hall, and this week it is news of a grant from Pfizer for a community defibrillator (see below). So what will next week’s grant be? Well of course there won’t be news of another grant next week. But our hall committee continues to do background work on grant applications to renew the hall. Lots of work goes into each one and we thank them for it.

For a single parish church we certainly generate a lot of worthwhile activity and tomorrow is another full Sunday in the life of our church culminating in our special service for All Souls tomorrow evening. We will name and give thanks to God for particular people who have died as we remember them. May it be a blessing to us,


Services for 3rd November: All Saints’ Sunday and 4th Sunday before Advent
  • 8am: Holy Communion

  • 10am: Family Service - The Great Commandments

    • With Junior Choir

    • We welcome children of all ages to our Family services

  • 1pm: Parish Lunch for November

  • 5pm: Deanery Confirmation Service at St John’s Church, Redhill. Helen Francis from our church will be confirmed at this service.

  • 6.30pm: The All Souls Service

Services & Events for Next Week
  • Wednesday 6th November at 10am: Mid-week Communion Service with our Mother's Union branch and coffee served afterwards

  • Sunday 10th November

    • 8am: Holy Communion

    • 10.30am: Service and Parade for Remembrance Sunday

      • Please note the later start time for this service so that we can take part in the National Remembrance at 11 am during the service.

      • Church Explorers will start separately and join the whole church for the Act of Remembrance.

For our Prayers

We pray for every blessing of the Holy Spirit for Helen Francis and all the candidates at the Deanery service with Rosemary, Bishop of Croydon.

We give thanks for the life of Jenny Shaw and commend her into God’s great love.

Children’s Society Christmas Cards on sale now

Children’s Society Christmas cards will be on view at the back of church after Sunday morning services from today and at the Parish Lunch. There are many different designs, all very reasonably priced.

Margaret Fox will be pleased to take your orders.

Tadworth Craft Fair: Saturday 16th November - 10am to 3pm

Come and enjoy the wide variety of stalls.

Mothers’ Union Open Meeting Thursday 21st November 2.30 pm

Everyone is warmly invited to this open meeting when Revd Tim will give a talk ‘Is it worth waiting for Advent?’

CoGS Barn Dance: Saturday 23rd November 7 to 11pm

Live music and professional caller; bar, raffle.

Tickets £12.50 or Family ticket (2+2) £40. Tickets include supper.

Tel: 01737 362610 or email to:

A working party a churchyard tidy: Saturday 30th December

There will be a working party in the morning from 9am onwards (come when you can) to sweep up leaves and generally tidy the churchyard and do some outside jobs like clear drains and low-level gutters. Lunch together in the Meeting Room will follow. The usual sign-up sheet is at the back of the church.

Grant for a community defibrillator at our church hall

Pfizer Limited have agreed to a grant to fund a community defibrillator to be located on the outside wall of the church hall. Our thanks go to them and to Mandy O’Brien and Councillor Rod Ashford who have initiated this project and worked in partnership with us to bring it to this stage.

Calligrapher Needed

Thank you for your recommendation of a commercial calligraphy company. If anyone has a recommendation of an individual we would still like to hear of them.


Don't forget to check the Church Calendar for all our upcoming events!


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