The project to replace the sanctuary curtains is moving forward. The Diocesan Advisory Committee has given its support for the work. The next formal stage is to display a public notice about the proposed change. The outcome of this public consultation will be passed to the Chancellor of the Diocese of Southwark who makes the decision to grant the Faculty for the works.
The first of this summer’s weddings took place today with another to follow next Saturday. It is a joy for the church to support marriage and encourage the commitment in love that is made visible in a wedding. And as people comment, the church is a beautiful place for a wedding, and the churchyard a fine backdrop for wedding photographs.
Today was also the second show of the year by our friends the Horticultural Society. Moira and I enjoyed looking at the exhibits, the tea and cake, and the conversations with people. You might walk past a rose bush in a garden, but seeing them displayed in the show encourages one to stop and really look, and in some cases smell. It is an example of encouraging mindfulness which for Christians is one form of prayer. Earlier this week my dentist and her assistant commented on how calm I was during her dentistry and wondered if it was because I am a vicar? I put it down to years of practice! But there is something about the practice of prayer which brings a foundation for whatever life throws at us.
May you enjoy your times of prayer this week,
Services for 30th June: 5th Sunday after Trinity
8am: Holy Communion
10am: Parish Communion Service: Jairus' Daughter Healed
Church Explorers gather in the meeting room before the service
Services & Events for Next Week
Wednesday 3rd July at 10am: Mid-week Service
With our Mothers’ Union branch, coffee and a chat afterwards
Sunday 7th July
8am: Holy Communion
10am: Family Service with Baptism - Heeding Prophets
We welcome Albert to his baptism at this service
1pm: Parish Lunch for July - please sign up in the Church by Tuesday of this week.
Calling all 12-16 year olds
In support of our "Children and Youth" working group, we would like to invite local 12-16 year olds to a casual meeting (with pizza) to share their views about what an ideal youth group could look like for them. Please speak to Lizzie, Emma, Laura, Lis or Nicky if you, or someone you know would like to get involved. (Or reply to me and I will put you in touch with them – Tim)
COGS Summer Olympics: Saturday 6th July from 2.30 pm (church grounds)
COGS SUMMER OLYMPICS! Entertainment for competitors and spectators alike! To be followed by a Barbecue. Bar and teas available all afternoon.
Competitors Adult £10; Child £5; Family (2+2) £25.
Spectators £2 at the gate, children free. Barbecue £5 (must prebook)
For further information or to register a team email:
Service of Compline 8pm Thursday 11th July
Following the positive experience of the service of Compline at the end of the Lent course, and with peoples’ encouragement, we hold the first of a monthly service of Compline in church on Thursday 11th July at 8 pm.
If you have been to Compline you will know it can provide a haven of peace and time for reflection with God. If you haven’t experienced Compline before, do come along and try this service which is a reflective, spiritual way to end the day.
Gatton Community Theatre Presents: Setareh - A Journey to Remember
Written and directed by Libby Egwuba, this is an open air promenade performance in Gatton Park (Rocky Lane RH2 0TW).
Eight performances on 11th-14th and 18th-21st July at 7.30 pm. Tickets are available form
Setareh is a Persian name meaning ‘star’ and the production will draw you in to the journey to find God made known.
Giving a Legacy to the Church
Have you considered giving a gift or legacy to the church in your will? Our church has been blessed in recent years by several legacies. Most of these have been for the general work of the church and have made a difference to our annual church finances. Information about church finances and planned giving to the church is available at the back of the church, or you can speak confidentially with our Church Treasurer Richard Gollop.
For our Prayers
We give thanks for the lives of Ken Creffield, Michael Rogerson and Will Pepper.
We continue to pray for those who were confirmed last Sunday: Toby Stonelake, Vivian Fakeye, Sophie Carey, August Blain, Milla Blain.
We thank God for the gift of marriage and pray for Lauren Burtenshaw and Nicky Jones, Caroline Baccanello and David Tremayne.
Don't forget to check the Church Calendar for all our upcoming events!