The theme for tomorrow’s Family Service is ‘Situation ethics’. That might sound a bit of a heavy title. Ethics means deciding what to do and how to behave, and we will explore when to follow rules and when they can be broken, drawing on the example and teaching of Jesus Christ.
I do encourage you to prioritise the choral evensong next week. The new anthem for that service was given an airing last Sunday and was well received. With an enhanced choir and more familiarity we hope both it and the other new music prepared for Evensong will be both beautiful and uplifting.
May you be blessed and guided this week by God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
Services for 2nd June: 1st Sunday after Trinity
8am: Holy Communion
10am: Family Service: Situation Ethics
With the Junior Choir
We welcome children of all ages to our Family services
1pm Parish Lunch for June
Services & Events for Next Week
Wednesday 5th June at 10am: Mid-week Service
With our Mother's Union branch, coffee and a chat afterwards
Sunday 9th June
8am: Holy Communion
10am: Parish Communion Service - The Challenge of Evil
Church Explorers gather in the meeting room before the service
Choral Evensong Sunday June 9th, 6.30pm
We have some beautiful modern music for this service that is new to the choir for this special occasion. This will also be a poignant service for our choir and church, as the new music has been purchased through the bequest of a much-missed choir member, Keith Robertshaw, who died in February.
Responses: Peter Nardone
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis: Joanna Forbes-L'Estrange
Anthem: The Call of Wisdom: Will Todd
Our choir will be joined by guest singers to lead this special service of evensong. It is open to any singers to join the choir with the minimum of a rehearsal on Sunday 9th from 5pm. Given the amount of new music, It would also help if you could come to the Friday choir rehearsal in church on 7th June from 7.30pm.
Please spread the word to your friends about this special service. A glass of wine or juice will be served afterwards.
Mother's Union Open Meeting 20th June, 8pm: A Visit to Zimbabwe
Moira Astin will give an illustrated talk about her visit to our linked Diocese of Central Zimbabwe. Anyone is welcome to come to this meeting.
Confirmation Service: 23rd June, 5pm, at The Wisdom of God Church, Lower Kingswood
Do come to this service to support our five candidates who are preparing for confirmation, and to meet the Bishop of Croydon, Bishop Rosemary who will be leading the service. If you have not been before, the Wisdom of God is an interesting church which celebrates the Eastern Orthodox traditions in its architecture.
Application made for new Sanctuary Curtains
Keith Robertshaw initiated this project to renew the curtains at the east end of our church in the sanctuary. This project has been carried forward by Angela Robertshaw, Jean Tattam and Lesley Gollop. The materials and curtain design have been chosen to complement the various altar frontals, and approved by the Church Council.
Because the new curtains are in a key visual position in the church we need approval for them from our Diocese of Southwark. The Diocesan Advisory Committee will advise for a ‘Faculty’ to be issued for the curtains, and we made the formal Faculty application to them this week.
Priorities for the Church: New Working Groups
The church open meeting in March identified priorities for developing the mission and ministry of the church. There was a clear ‘top five’:
Improved publicity and communications beyond the church
Offer a Christian Basics course
Advertising both ‘who does what’ and ‘what goes on’ within the church
Explore new patterns of Bible Study/Prayer/Fellowship groups
Start a teenager/youth group
At the recent Church Council meeting it was decided to set up three working groups to cover these five things:
Publicity, advertising and external communication
Study groups, a Christian basics course, and new patterns of prayer and worship
Children and youth, especially to look at starting a teenagers group
Each group will sift ideas for improvement, identify actions and who will make them happen. Each group now has a core of two to four PCC members.
We invite anyone in the church with a heart for any of these areas to step forward to join a group. Please talk to Antony Hawker, Lesley Gollop or the Vicar Tim Astin to find out more.
For our Prayers
We continue to pray for Will and Joan Pepper, also for Andrew Giles, and for Paul Jarman; and for other people who are undergoing investigation, treatment and palliative care for cancer at this time.
We pray for couples who are preparing for weddings in our church in June and July as their Banns are read this month.
Don't forget to check the Church Calendar on our website for all our upcoming events!