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Writer's pictureTimothy Astin

Sunday 29th September: 18th Sunday after Trinity

Updated: Oct 9, 2024

I confess to being tired as I write this. Today has been an unusual Saturday with both a wedding and a baptism service. Both illustrate different ways in which our church is of service. The venue for the wedding reception was flooded in a recent thunderstorm and could not be used. So immediately after the wedding service the church became the setting for the principal speeches and for cutting the wedding cake. The wedding service itself was lively with additional music singing, readings and prayers. I am grateful to James Mark our organist on the day, and our Verger team on the day of Jean and Heather for their support for it all to go smoothly; and then to be ready for the baptism to follow. The baptism family share Nigerian heritage and people travelled from across the world and across the country to be present, and holding the service on a Saturday made this travel possible.

At the same time, our church hall has been busy today with two big events – a talk for the Horticultural Society, and a presentation, dinner and dance put on by medical doctors from Epsom Hospital to raise awareness among their medical colleagues of a developing treatment.

May we continue to enjoy being of service to one another, to parishioners and to the wider community,


Services for 29th September: 18th Sunday after Trinity
  • 8am: Holy Communion

  • 10am: Parish Communion Service - Serving Others

    • Church Explorers gather in the meeting room before the service

Services & Events for Next Week
  • Wednesday 2nd October at 10am: Mid-week Communion Service with coffee served afterwards

  • Sunday 6th October

    • 8am: Holy Communion

    • 10am: Harvest Festival Service and Parade - Jesus' Blessing

      • We welcome the Scouts and Guides groups to parade at this service

      • With Junior Choir

      • We welcome children of all ages to our Family services

Harvest Festival and Parade next Sunday (6th October)

As usual there will be an opportunity to present gifts of food at the altar during the Harvest Festival service. We invite you to bring either

  1. Fresh fruit and vegetables. These are auctioned off after the service with the money raised given to the Welcare project in East Surrey, ( Welcare is the Diocese of Southwark family support charity; or

  2. Non-perishable food for the St Matthew’s Redhill Foodbank. The Foodbank Standard Shopping list can be found below

We are pleased to say that Tadworth Primary School is again supporting St Matthew’s Foodbank with food donations linked to their Harvest Assembly on Friday 4th October.

Report of the open PCC Meeting on Sunday 22nd September

The Venerable Moira Astin, Archdeacon of Reigate addressed the PCC about the forthcoming ministerial vacancy in Kingswood Parish. She outlined a proposal for a new Benefice comprising the Parish of Tadworth and the Parish of Kingswood. Each parish would retain its own PCC and finances. There would be a single Incumbent Minister (Priest) living in Tadworth parish with an additional ministerial post most likely a House-for-duty priest living in Kingswood parish. This potential reorganisation will be discussed at our next PCC meeting.

New Craft Group: starts Sat 5th October at 9am in church

You are warmly invited to join a new craft group hosted by Michelle Liennard. People with all skill levels are welcome. Come and encourage each other with your skills e.g. in knitting, sewing and crochet, or come and explore new skills or revive old ones. Plus you can stay on to the regular Saturday Café which follows.

Macmillan Coffee Morning: Sat 5th October 10.30am - 12pm

On this day our regular Saturday Café in church becomes a coffee morning in aid of Macmillan with a Raffle, Bring & Buy, and the usual coffee and delicious cakes. Do come to support people living with cancer.

Cabaret: Saturday 12th October 7 - 11pm

Join us in Tadworth Church Hall for an evening of mouth watering food, mind-blowing magic and marvellous musical performances.

There will be a licensed bar, a Raffle, Auctions and a Disco/Dancing. Tickets are £40 (inclusive of a two course meal). Tickets are available from

Any profits will go to the Hall refurbishment fund. Please book in good time so that the catering can be organised well.

Baby Loss Awareness Week 9th - 15th October

Our church is partnering with Jodie Picknett to host a Sands Ribbon Display during this week. We will also take part in the Wave of Light on Tuesday 15th October at 7 pm.

These actions are to both raise awareness of baby loss and for people who have experienced pregnancy or baby loss to remember their babies.

More information can be found at the Sands charity website:

Discipleship and Ministry

Would you like to improve your skills and knowledge in an aspect of Christian discipleship, or of everyday ministry? Southwark Diocese offer many different courses and workshops. These are listed in the Discipleship and Ministry magazine which you can find on the table at the back of church.

The Bridge Newspaper

The latest edition of the Southwark Diocesan newspaper is in church for you to look at or take away to read.

For our Prayers

We continue to pray for Mike Foster as he moves to a care home, and for Esme Illman now moved to Dorking Community Hospital. We pray for Tom and for others known to us who find it difficult to leave home.

We give thanks for the lives of Kirsten Thomsett and Alan Davis.


Don't forget to check the Church Calendar for all our upcoming events!


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