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Sunday 27th October: Last Sunday after Trinity

Writer's picture: Timothy AstinTimothy Astin

This Sunday the long church season of Trinity (also called Ordinary Time) comes to a close. The 1st of November is All Saints Day which starts the final short season of the churches year focussed on the Kingdom of God.

Last week our Church Explorers carved some small pumpkins as they explored the link between Halloween and All Saints Day, also known once as ‘All Hallows’. You will be able to see in church this week both what they made and something of what they learned on their noticeboard. Churches are rightly wary of the way secular society seems to celebrate and promote manifestations of evil. But there is a Christian truth that there is good and evil in the world which are in conflict, and the reward of the saints of the church, who through faith choose the way of Christ in the world, is a relationship and place with God.

Finally, a reminder to myself that the clocks go back tonight so that I don’t arrive in church an hour early.

May you know God’s protection and peace,


Services for 27th October: Last Sunday after Trinity
  • 8am: Holy Communion

  • 10am: Parish Communion Service - Bartimaeus Given Sight

    • Please note that there is no Church Explorers this week. (Church Explorers moved from 27th October to 20th October so as to avoid the first weekend of half term)

Services & Events for Next Week
  • Wednesday 30th October at 10am: Mid-week Communion Service with coffee served afterwards

  • Sunday 3rd November

    • 8am: Holy Communion

    • 10am: Family Service - The Great Commandments

      • With Junior Choir

      • We welcome children of all ages to our Family services

    • 5pm: Deanery Confirmation Service at St John’s Church, Redhill. We give thanks for Helen Francis from our church who will be confirmed at this service.

    • 6.30pm: The All Souls Service. At this annual service, we remember before God friends and family members who have died. If you would like names to be read out at the All Souls service, please add them to the lists at the back of church. There will also be an opportunity to light candles for them during the service.

Parish Lunch for November on Sunday 3rd

Please sign up at the back of church for the next parish lunch.

Tadworth Craft Fair: Saturday 16th November - 10am to 3pm

Please save the date for our Craft Fair. As usual we will need volunteers for manning the door and for the raffle table. If you can help for an hour or please can you let Annabel Foster or Michelle McGhie (07788 620716 l) know. Thank you.

Accommodation request

An older Ukrainian lady, Olga, has asked if the church can help her find somewhere to live. She will pay rent for a room in a house and could provide companionship. If you, or someone you know, can help, please contact the Vicar, Revd Timothy Astin for more details.

The Cabaret evening outcome: fundraising towards church hall building projects

As well as being a thoroughly entertaining evening (thanks to everyone who put this on, especially to Clare), the Cabaret evening raised about £2500 for the church hall. This money will be part of the local community’s contributions to support grant applications for the various hall projects planned. The next large grant application is likely to be for the overhaul of all the toilet areas.

Hall stage lighting: £15k grant awarded

And in news of another of our projects for the renewal of the church hall, Your Fund Surrey (through Surrey County Council) has awarded a grant of £15,000 towards buying new stage lighting. With two generous individual donations totally £5,000 already received, we can look forward to new stage lighting for the Pantomime and other events. The new lights will be low energy use compared to traditional stage lights.

Church building repairs

Following the leaks of water earlier in the year into the sanctuary and the organ loft, Ecclesiastical Insurance have agreed to pay for the repairs to the organ (about £3250). They declined to pay the £2250 which the church had to spend on the cost of clearance of the high-level gutter and the stabilisation of the wall above the organ both needed to prevent a recurrence during heavy rainfall.

Calligrapher needed

We would like to update our Book of Remembrance. But our previous calligrapher has moved abroad. Can anyone recommend a calligrapher?

The Bridge

The latest edition of the Southwark Diocese newspaper is in church.

Parish Magazine for November

This has arrived in church.


Don't forget to check the Church Calendar for all our upcoming events!

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