Last Thursday I gave a talk at an open meeting of our Mothers’ Union branch. We all crammed into the Meeting Room to hear and talk about Advent.
In our church activities we are inevitably drawn in to the celebration of Christmas from now on, starting with the switching on of the Tadworth Christmas Lights this coming Thursday. Our Nativity scene will be set up in the churchyard at the east end of the church and will be part of the switch-on. (Thanks to the dedicated group who will put it up and have an extra item or two to put into the scene this year.) Again the Christmas tree donated by the parents’ association at Chinthurst School will arrive this week and will be decorated in time for the schools Christmas concerts and services held in our church.
But for us the season of Advent which starts next Sunday has our own church traditions some of which are described below. As well as those activities, the Advent Ring will be set up this week – another reminder of Jenny Shaw who did this for many years – and candles lit as a visible countdown to Christmas.
Most prominently we hold the first of our three carol services – the Advent Carol Service – next Sunday evening with music and bible readings focussed on the hope, peace, love and joy which comes from Jesus’ Advent.
Services for 24th November: Last Sunday before Advent
8am: Holy Communion
10am: Parish Communion Service - Christ the King
Church Explorers gather in the meeting room before the service
Services & Events for Next Week
Wednesday 27th November at 10am: Mid-week Communion Service with coffee served afterwards
Sunday 1st December
8am: Holy Communion
10am: Parish Family Service - The Saviour will Come
With Junior Choir
We welcome children of all ages to our Family services
6.30pm: The Advent Carol Service - the first of our three carol service
For our Prayers
We give thanks for the life of Barbara White who died last Monday at her care home in Ashtead. We remember Alistair White in our prayers.
Tadworth Christmas Lighting Event: Thursday 28th November
This starts before 4pm in Station Approach/Cross Road when Christmas street lights will be turned on. We move to the churchyard for the Nativity Scene to be turned on before again moving to the High Street.
Thank you to our ‘crew’ who are getting the nativity scene ready. Will you be able to spot the new addition this year?
A Working Party a Churchyard Tidy: Saturday 30th November
There will be a working party in the morning from 9am onwards (come when you can) to sweep up leaves and generally tidy the churchyard and do some outside jobs like clear drains and low-level gutters. Lunch together in the Meeting Room will follow. The usual sign-up sheet is at the back of the church.
For the Advent Season
Reverse Advent Calendars
Find information about the Reverse Advent Calendars, and labels to make them, at the back of church. This is a great way to build up to Christmas by collecting and donating food and toiletries etc.. Food will be distributed through our local food banks, and toiletries distributed through the local Women’s Aid charity ‘I choose freedom’ (and supported by our MU branch).
The Travelling Nativity (Posada)
Next Sunday the travelling nativity set starts its journey – La Posada – around Tadworth. Sign up at the back of church to take part and have a visit to your home. Don’t forget to bring your woolly sheep back to the Crib Service or another of the Christmas services.
Advent Calendars
We are giving ‘traditional’ Advent Calendars to church children (you know the ones with the opening flaps). Grown-ups may like to have one or more to give away or to have for themselves. You will find them at the back of church. If we run out this week we will have more here for Advent Sunday.
Children’s Society Christmas Cards on sale now
Children’s Society Christmas cards will be on view at the back of church for the last time this Sunday. Margaret Fox will be pleased to take your orders.
Tadworth Craft Fair
Michelle reports that £1250 was raised for the church at the Craft Fair.
Report from the Last PCC Meeting
Here are some of the most significant items discussed at the recent PCC meeting:
Our Parish Support Fund contribution for 2025 was set at £70,200. This is the biggest item in our yearly budget and pays for our clergy including the Vicarage, and the wide range of support provided to parishes by Southwark Diocese from legal advice, church planning applications, curate and lay training, etc. This compares to c£89,000 which is the Diocese estimate of the support it provides to each parish.
The overall budget/estimate for 2025 has projected income of £149,600 and projected expenditure of £158,386 giving an initial deficit on the year of £8,786. Much of this arises from greatly increased costs of heating the church (up about £9000) as we moved to a new three year energy tariff. The Treasurer noted that a similar deficit budget set this time last year has improved to a projected small surplus for 2024, in part through your generosity and in part because we have not replaced our paid Parish Administrator/Hall Manager since she left in August.
New Regulations for the Garden of Remembrance were adopted. These include the existing guidance for placing vases etc. in the Garden.
A new Church Architect was appointed: Mr David Swarbrick, Swarbrick Design.
A list of improvements and repairs needed to the church building was presented and these will be advertised to the whole church in due course.
Don't forget to check the Church Calendar for all our upcoming events!