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Sunday 22nd September: 17th Sunday after Trinity

Writer's picture: Timothy AstinTimothy Astin

Have you heard of ‘Chinese walls’? The phrase became popular for internal barriers within financial companies to preserve appropriate business confidentiality and ethical behaviour between different divisions of the company.

Because my wife Moira is also the Archdeacon of Reigate, there are times when it is for me not to ask and for her not to tell. I think we have become good at understanding it over the years. This Sunday the Archdeacon of Reigate is visiting our church to talk with the Parochial Church Council (PCC) about the coming ministerial vacancy in the parish of Kingswood, which is also our only neighbouring parish within Southwark Diocese. The meeting takes place after our 10 o’clock service and it is open to anyone from the church to observe the meeting and hear what Moira has to say.

With every blessing,


Services for 22nd September: 17th Sunday after Trinity
  • 8am: Holy Communion

  • 10am: Family Communion Service - Serving Others

    • Church Explorers gather in the meeting room before the service

    • Followed by an open PCC meeting

Services & Events for Next Week
  • Wednesday 25th September at 10am: Mid-week Communion Service with coffee served afterwards

  • Sunday 29th September

    • 8am: Holy Communion

    • 10am: Parish Communion Service - Teach the Truth

      • Church Explorers gather in the meeting room before the service

An Open PCC Meeting Follows this Week's 10am Service

The Venerable Moira Astin, Archdeacon of Reigate will discuss the future parochial vacancy in Kingswood parish. Anyone is welcome to observe this meeting.

Cabaret: Saturday 12th October 7 - 11pm

Join us in Tadworth Church Hall for an evening of mouth watering food, mind-blowing magic and marvellous musical performances.

There will be a licensed bar, a Raffle, Auctions and a Disco/Dancing. Tickets are £40 (inclusive of a two course meal). Tickets are available from

Any profits will go to the Hall refurbishment fund. Please book in good time so that the catering can be organised well.

New Craft Group: starts Sat 5th October at 9am in church

You are warmly invited to join a new craft group hosted by Michelle Liennard. People with all skill levels are welcome. Come and encourage each other with your skills e.g. in knitting, sewing and crochet, or come and explore new skills or revive old ones. Plus you can stay on to the regular Saturday Café which follows.

Macmillan Coffee Morning: Saturday 5th October 10:30am-12pm

On this day our regular Saturday Café in church becomes a coffee morning in aid of Macmillan with a Raffle, Bring & Buy, and the usual coffee and delicious cakes. Do come to support people living with cancer.

The Bridge Newspaper

The latest edition of the Southwark Diocesan newspaper has arrived in church for you to look at or take away to read.

Baby Loss Awareness Week 9th - 15th October

Our church is partnering with Jodie Picknett to host a Sands Ribbon Display during this week. We will also take part in the Wave of Light on Tuesday 15th October at 7 pm.

These actions are to both raise awareness of baby loss and for people who have experienced pregnancy or baby loss to remember their babies.

More information can be found at the Sands charity website:

For our Prayers

We continue to pray for people in hospital, among them Mike Foster and Esme Illman. We give thanks for the lives of Kirsten Thomsett and Dave Harman.


Don't forget to check the Church Calendar for all our upcoming events!

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Get in Touch

The Church of the Good Shepherd

1 The Avenue, Tadworth, Surrey, KT20 5AS

Parish Office: 01737 944 385

Vicarage: 01737 813 152

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Registered Charity No. 1137975

The Church of the Good Shepherd is also known locally as "The Good Shepherd" and "COGS".

©2024 The Church of the Good Shepherd

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