The church has returned to ‘normal’ after the Christmas season – thanks to everyone who contributed to tidying things away including the outside nativity scene, and to Chinthurst School who helped with removal of the large Christmas tree. Chinthurst School also made a donation to the church of £457.70 collected at their Christmas Carol Service at the end of last term.
A couple of errors crept into the calendar at the end of these emails. Please note the correct for our annual Jumble Sale which is on Saturday 22nd February. Hopefully it is well timed to benefit from any New Years clear outs you are planning at home.
With every blessing,
Services for 12th January: The Baptism of Christ
8am: Holy Communion
10am: Parish Communion Service - Jesus is Baptised
Church Explorers gather in the meeting room before the service
Services & Events for Next Week
Wednesday 15th January at 10am: Mid-week Communion Service with coffee served afterwards
Sunday 19th January
8am: Holy Communion
10am: Family Communion Service: Spiritual Gifts
With Junior Choir
We welcome children of all ages to our Family services
Mothers' Union Open Meeting: Thursday 16th January, 2.30pm, Meeting Room
This month’s meeting is our New Year Tea Party with a Raffle and a Bring & Buy table. Everyone is welcome to come. If you are thinking of exploring a new activity, this is a good opportunity to meet members of our MU branch socially.
Joint Service with Kingswood Parish: 26th January, 3pm at The Wisdom of God Church, Lower Kingswood
This service takes place at the end of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Refreshments will be served after the service.
This is an opportunity for our churches to get to know each other a little better in advance of discussions later in the year about creating a joint Benefice for our two parishes.
Church Explorers (Junior Church) Takes Place this Month on 12th and 26th January
We meet in the Meeting Room before the 10 o’clock service and come into church for a blessing at the distribution of Communion.
COGS Family Pantomime 'Snow White' - Friday 24th 7.30pm and Saturday 25th January 2pm and 7pm
Tickets are on sale from today via 01737 362610 or or
Adults £15 - Child (under 15) £7.50 – Family ((2+2) £40
Don't forget to check the Church Calendar for all our upcoming events!