As the Royal British Legion puts it tomorrow “we remember the service and sacrifice of all those that have defended our freedoms and protected our way of life. We remember the Armed Forces, and their families, from Britain and the Commonwealth, the vital role played by the emergency services and those who have lost their lives as a result of conflict or terrorism”.
Please note that our service will start at 10.30 am (instead of our usual 10 o’clock) so that we can mark the Act of Remembrance within the service at 11 o’clock.
Services for 10th November: Remembrance Sunday and 3rd Sunday before Advent
8am: Holy Communion
10.30am: Morning Worship including Act of Remembrance - Christ the King
We welcome the Guides and Scouts who will be on parade at this service.
Church Explorers gather in the meeting room at 10am before the service. The children will come into Church for the Act of Remembrance
Services & Events for Next Week
Wednesday 13th November
10am: Mid-week Communion Service with coffee served afterwards
1pm: Memorial Service for Alan Davis
Sunday 17th November
8am: Holy Communion
10am: Family Communion Service - Persevere
With Junior Choir
We welcome children of all ages to our Family services
For our Prayers
We give thanks for the lives of Jenny Shaw and Alan Davis.
As TWOAT (Tadworth and Walton Overseas Aid Trust) holds its Annual Meeting this weekend, we ask for God’s blessing for, and give thanks for peoples’ support of, projects in various places across the world.
Children’s Society Christmas Cards on sale now
Children’s Society Christmas cards will be on view at the back of church after Sunday morning services during November. There are many different designs, all very reasonably priced.
Margaret Fox will be pleased to take your orders.
Tadworth Craft Fair: Saturday 16th November - 10am to 3pm
Come and enjoy the wide variety of stalls.
Mothers’ Union Meetings in November
Wednesday 13th November 2.30 pm Tea Party (Meeting Room)
Andrea from ‘I Choose Freedom’ is coming to join us. We will give her the toiletries collected for the women's refuge together with new toys as Christmas presents for the children.
You may remember when Sophie came to talk to us earlier in the year about the work done there that she highlighted that presents of toys for the children would be desirable… so we are now asking for donations of both toiletries and toys (new).
I am told that the older children (11-15) can also have gifts or vouchers. (Apparently Costa Coffee have £5 vouchers!). Or if easier, of course a money donation for something suitable to be bought for them. Margaret Fox
Thursday 21st November 2.30 pm Open Meeting (Church)
Everyone is warmly invited to this open meeting when Revd Tim will give a talk ‘Is it worth waiting for Advent?’ Tea is served afterwards.
CoGS Barn Dance: Saturday 23rd November 7-11pm
Live music and professional caller; bar, raffle.
Tickets £12.50 or Family ticket (2+2) £40. Tickets include supper.
Tel: 01737 362610 or email to:
Last day for booking is this Sunday.
Tadworth Christmas Lighting event: Thursday 28th November
This starts before 4pm in Station Approach/Cross Road when Christmas street lights will be turned on. We move to the churchyard for the Nativity Scene to be turned on before again moving to the High Street.
Thank you to our ‘crew’ who are getting the nativity scene ready. Will you be able to spot the new addition this year?
A working party a churchyard tidy: Saturday 30th November
There will be a working party in the morning from 9am onwards (come when you can) to sweep up leaves and generally tidy the churchyard and do some outside jobs like clear drains and low-level gutters. Lunch together in the Meeting Room will follow. The usual sign-up sheet is at the back of the church.
Grant for a community defibrillator at our church hall
Pfizer Limited have given a grant to fund a community defibrillator to be located on the outside front of the church hall. Our thanks go to them and to Mandy O’Brien and Councillor Rod Ashford who have initiated this project and worked in partnership with us to bring it to this stage. Donations have been given also for the ongoing maintenance of the defibrillator.
Reverse Advent Calendars
Find Posters about the Reverse Advent Calendars, and labels to make them, at the back of church in a week’s time. This is a great way to build up to Christmas by collecting and donating food and toiletries etc.. These will be distributed through our local food banks.
Don't forget to check the Church Calendar for all our upcoming events!