The Good Shepherd, Tadworth

The Creativity of the Holy Spirit

from Revd. Timothy Astin | May 2018

When the day of Pentecost came ... they were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak ... as the Spirit enabled them.    Acts 2: 1-4

 This May sees three great festivals of the church year: Ascension Day, Pentecost, and Trinity Sunday.

All three point to different aspects of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Perhaps the highlight this year will be Pentecost on May 20th, when there is a Confirmation service in the Church of the Good Shepherd, with Bishop Jonathan our area bishop, at 6-30 pm in the evening.

Do pray for the candidates taking part in preparation groups on Sunday afternoons.  Then come and support them at the service, if you can, as they confirm their Christian faith in this public way, and receive the blessing of the Holy Spirit.

I wonder if you know the presence of the Holy Spirit with you in your daily life? The Holy Spirit is God’s creative presence. When we invite God in to us, we receive that part of God which animates us in life. Jesus Christ also describes the Holy Spirit as Comforter and Guide.  So if for a while you are not sure of God’s presence with you, just ask God for his presence within you, and for his comfort and his guidance.

All sorts of creativity flows from the Holy Spirit.  There are so many examples of creativity from around our church and church hall; such as making cakes for the Saturday cafe; cooking dinners for parish lunch; flower arranging and decorating  in church; knitting squares; the artistic painting and drawing; and the different styles of dancing.  And of course there is the music of organ and choir and congregation, and the music of concerts, and the drama of the pantomime.  And if you go into our schools there is the creativity of children and teachers.

And the creativity of gardening seems to be a Tadworth special. At this time of year with the spring warming up, and plants becoming active again, all sorts of creative life is flowering and growing and flourishing. It is as if that creativity of God has been hidden over the winter, and is now richly visible. That certainly chimes with the celebration of Pentecost.

May you enjoy looking around you this month, and see your own examples of the creativity of the Holy Spirit this month, both in the world and in the people around you, and in yourselves.

Oh, I’ve had an afterthought. Part of what we humans do for that creativity to flourish in and through us, is to choose to give time and energy to developing and using some of our particular talents.  May you know the joy of giving that time and energy to other people through your talents, and so know the fruits of God’s creativity.

